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Old 14th November 2024, 06:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rafngard View Post
My first Yataghan ( has an "inscription" on it where it seems the engraver "used their fantasy and just did write something or nonsensicle." Probably added to to "fancy up" the weapon. I'm wondering if this is something similar, rather than actual meaningful writting.

The yataghan is 28.5 inches long overall, with the blade being 24 inches.

I've read them in the past and your contributions here are great! Maybe I'll re-read them...

It is absolutely modern. I bought it from a vender in Baščaršija in August. It's just there for fun. :-)

Concerning the scripture: in the Ottoman times of the Balkan, the writing was mostly Turkish but in Arab scripture.
One small difference or addition: in former Yugoslavia, specially Bosnia, they had , used their own language…also in Arabic lettering.
I have placed somewhere an overviewof that alfabet in Bosnian Arabic scripture and will look it up and ad it here again.

That might often be the cause for (mis)understanding it as “ gibberish” if one looks or reads it with either Turkish or Arabic language skills.

A second “challenge”, rather less occurring, might be an illiterate or person with limited written knowledge (a villager or so) trying to do his best…

But this one is the real McCoy! Although it looks a little rude, the writing is in a beautiful condition and also the length of 28.5 and the grip specially is also proof you have a real one
you can compare it to the writing on some of mine :

Try to rubb some gum / rubber eraser over the writting: it will bring it back to some more beauty!

Lucky you got if from Baščaršija;I used to live close to there mid 80ies for some months each year. The most of the cold weapons disappeared after the tragic events in the 90ies…
Sold to mostly all the foreign NATO soldiers who were based their to implement the Dayton agreement after 1996.
Next most antique shops and silver jewelry shops who had them closed as well.

Take care and have a nice day !


Last edited by gp; 15th November 2024 at 12:05 AM.
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