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Old 9th November 2024, 12:39 AM   #3
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Excellent find! My respect. ☼☼☼

Indeed as Jose wrote it is from Bosnia, the Balkans ( as the handle / grip or hilt is very similar to the Bosnian ones I have) and my guess about its age: about 200 years old and owned by an important man.

Please allow me to be so bold and give a piece of advise:
clean both the metal and walrus to keep them from deteriorating...
After cleaning also add some oil to :

1. the walruss to "feed" or preserve it longer and stop the breaking line or crackgetting deeper and widening .
2. the copper metal pieces to also avoid "drying out" or oxidation, causing some it to break ( further than already)

as yours is a too beautiful one to let it deteriorate over time....and the copper deserves to shine ☺

It will improve your outstanding yataghan greatly as it did mine.
I shall show some pictures, but you have to be a little patient as I just had a eye operation. Enclosed one picture of mine halfway cleaned last month .
But you can already see the positieve outcome on both the metal and the grip/handle even if it is not completed.

The inscription is in a most beautifull condition and outstanding in both its size/ the amount of scripture as in its caligraphy and indicates having belonged to a quite important owner,
FYI: normally it would be just the name of the maker / smith and just the owner with sometimes his title , approx. 2 lines . But by the amount seen on yours, it is a special made one. Congrats !

FYI: have a look at the collection of the Zagreb museum to compare yours with
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Last edited by gp; 9th November 2024 at 03:22 AM.
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