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Old 7th November 2024, 08:48 AM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2024
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by Gustav View Post
Adam, Pamor Udan Mas basically is a surface manipulation of a Pamor Mlumah (horizontal Pamor layers, opposite to Pamor Miring, where the layers are arranged vertically). Pamor Mlumah with small number of layers will basically result in a Pamor called Ngulit Semangka. Pamor Mlumah with higher number of layers will result in Pamor Wos Wutah. Pamor Udan Mas basically is a further manipulation of Pamor Wos Wutah, by drilling holes in it, and forging the blade flat again. For such operation a substantial, thick blade is needed, like Tangguh Tuban, because blade will loose thickness.

One indicator of a reheated blade could be the gap between the Slorok (core of blade, visible as the edge) and the first Pamor layer.
This is fascinating insight, thank you Gustav; perhaps this would explain why another of my kerises - the subject of my first post - seems to have a tangguh tuban-pajajaran (according to Mr. Maisey) coupled with Udan Mas pamor, which Mr Maisey said was unexpected for such a tangguh classification- if I have understood him correctly. Perhaps this is also a reworked blade…it is also extremely thin
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