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Old 6th November 2024, 02:16 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by adamb View Post
I thought I’d chime in here, specifically regarding the above observation that the Bugis had frequent interactions with the Moro. Not an expert, but I note this illustration of a Moro kalis/keris with cockatoo pommel in Matthes’ 1874 Ethnographic Atlas of the Bugis, depicted among a collection of Bugis keris and badiks which I believe Matthes acquired during his time in South Sulawesi. I should note that it is described in the book as a sword of the Sulu raiders. Perhaps the forum members could comment on the specific origin of this piece.
Hullo greetings! The parts that I usually look at the base of the blade aren't that clear, so I'm not that confident to accurately ID this kris. If I were to guess though, the blade looks Sulu-made, the hilt looks Sulu; I lack comprehensive knowledge of the scabbard types to make an educated guess.

I can vaguely count 5 waves on the blade, and by rough estimate the blade-length seems to be 18 inches, krises of this blade-length are usually older, conservatively early to mid 1800s.

The engraving- a set of circles intersecting each other, and bound by smaller engravings, perhaps even Lontara characters- appear on other Moro krises.
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