Originally Posted by Interested Party
Thank you for responding! Sorry I took so long to reply. I had to process the answer for a bit.
So two asang-asang do not guarantee a Sulu connection?
I attached a better picture of A.
Do you re-heat treat your blades? Or just find out how they are treated by cut testing? When the edge rolls do you use a finishing steel to realign the edge or grind it true again with a stone?
Sorry for the response delay!
I believe two asang-asang don't necessarily guarantee a Sulu connection. Thanks for the better pic! For the blade itself- I would posit Mindanao (Maranao or Maguindanao); if I'm correct in this, then it's a hybrid piece, Mindanao blade with a Sulu dress.
A Maguindanao elder, Jinnar Salipada, shared that it was a known practice for Mindanao nobility to "import" Sulu kalis blades, then have these dressed up in Mindanao dress, so that their krises would be unique.
Tausug elder Sali Nagarajen confirmed the existence of this practice on the Sulu side (Sulu nobility imported Mindanao kris and dressed these up in Sulu garb), and said that, aside from unique aesthetics, it was also done as a sign of political alliance.
This would account for the cross-pollination that occurred in the melding of Mindanao and Sulu blades and dresses.
Regarding my blades, I lack both the blacksmithing knowledge and hardware to re-heat my blades (and I won't want to, as I want to test their "original" heat treatment). I check the heat treatment in several ways...the first is by gently trying to bend the blade. The tactile response to bending already gives me a clue about the heat treatment and purpose of the kris at hand.
IF the edge misaligns (but not roll backward), I use my hands to hold the spine and bend the kris blade in one direction, then in the other, and finally try to keep the spine "straight." The edge usually straightens out once the spine is straight.
If the edge rolls backward, I re-sharpen with a high-grit diamond stone and re-hone according to the "original" edge (or at least I try to).
After sharpening, I use a honing steel to align the edges. IF it's a full wavy kris, I use the honing steel for everything (sharpening + honing). Sometimes I strop with leather as well.