Odd Navaja For Comment
Hi All,
I find this navaja to be unusual so I am posting it here for your input. I have two main questions.
One: Could there have been a finial on the end? I can see no solder to indicate something is missing but the end could have been longer and simply cut off after the finial was lost. Currently, the blade point ends about 1/16” (1.5875mm) from the end of the hilt.
Two: Could this knife have actually been made in Morocco? I have never seen a navaja back spring that looks like this. The 20th century style back springs (like those on Okapi knives) are very flat. This one sort of looks like someone took a 19th century style back spring and and put it in the 20th century position outside of the hilt instead of the 19th century position between the hilt scales. The hilt decoration is also giving me a North African vibe but that could just be because a lot of Spanish motifs look North African.
The hilt is wood covered with sheet brass. Because the blade pivot pin has broken through the sheet brass, the wooden core has a tendency to slide in the brass cover when the blade is opened. The 13.25” (33.655cm) blade has a ratchet lock and is engraved on one side. Part of the engraving looks for all the world like a hot air balloon above a mountain.
Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated.