Thread: Tibetan Kora?
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Old 4th November 2024, 01:45 PM   #1
Rapier's Delight
Join Date: Oct 2024
Posts: 11
Default Tibetan Kora?

Hello all,

I recently picked up a batch of mostly South-Asian swords in rather rough shape. Among them are several tulwars, a few koras, a nimcha, and what seems to be a tibetan kora, of the type I have seen discussed on at least one post here.

As there does not seem to be a lot of info on these swords, or even a consensus on whether or not they are actually a Tibetan variant of the kora, I figured you would probably enjoy some photos from a new sword.

As you can see it generally matches the characteristics of the other ones being discussed, with a similar pommel, small lobed "quillons" and the same median ridge towards the bottom of the blade, although the one on mine seems to be less pronounced and more simple. It also has the same median ridge difiding the blade in two planes, although the one on mine is hidden by rust and oxidation. Similarly, the tip expands in typical kora fashion, but is still rather slender and thin.

Overall, I have no more info about it other than what was already discussed here, so Hopefully you have more insights, or are at least interested in seeing it!
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