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Old 3rd November 2024, 09:48 PM   #12
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Sajen View Post
Hello David,

Sorry that my question was worded inaccurately, I vow to get better!
We generally have this problem with many keris which are shown here. Is a Java blade in a Bali dress a Java keris or a Balinese? Is a Central Javanese in a Madura/East Java dress Central or East Javanese, we have seen this many times. I think it's the complete package when we classify keris with a description where the blade may have its origin.
But apparently all the people who contributed to this thread understand what I want to know!
And when you reread the classic thread you will find that Bugis influenced coastal Sumatra keris dresses differ from "pure" Bugis keris dresses.I just was a little bit unsure where the keris in question may have its origin.

So you wanted to know if this was a Sulawesi Bugis keris or a Sumatran Bugis keris? Well why didn't you just say so. LOL!
I don't know...
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