Originally Posted by M ELEY
 Yeah. Wayne, you don't recognize that classic 'sailor's cutlass'? I think they used them in 'Water World' 
mY Favourite 'cutlass' is the Dutch klewang, used originally to arm native police in Dutch East Indies for jungle use where European swords/sabres were too long.
It was used extensively in WW2 as a 'Naval Cutlass' by the Germans, and the Americans, copied directly and exactly from the original Dutch Hembrug made ones. Mine has a Solingen blade and was supposedly liberated from a German S-Boot by a Brit in an E-Boat. They have clip point too!
Even the Japanese used captured ones, guards cut down and blades shortened, known now as Hei-ho.
The last recorded use of the US Naval boarding cutlass was during the
Altmark Incident on
February 16, 1940