Sharing a couple of unique and rare India pieces.
Hello my friends, it's been a while since I have posted. I thought I would share a couple of pieces I have with everybody. Please feel free to comment or give any thoughts you may have.
The first is a sword that seems to have no name. It took quite a while to find another example. Even then I was only able to find two. Roy Elvis had one in his collection that sold in auction. The other was listed in his description that was located at the the Junagarh Fort Museum, Bikaner. Mine is missing the gaurd but is in overall pretty good shape other than that.
The second is a dagger that I gets mixed feeling from others. Some say it is a Bichawa maybe even a Chilanum variant. Some think it is possibly from around the 17th. I have always thought it was much older than that. I know the D-gaurd is not that old in India thou. I am definitely no expert.