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Old 28th October 2024, 04:14 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Interested Party View Post
Well said Jim. My apologies. Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes, as you know, it is easy to slip and embrace the continuity of history. The MISC forum is a good recommendation.

Fernando was always very kind to me, and generous with his knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese language source material!
No apologies needed Neil, and my note was of course not personally directed. Over many years I myself have often been one of the notable offenders in this, however in my case it was typically regarding arms that were traditional forms or that had transcended the turn of the century demarcation. ....the exact continuity of history you well note.

As contentious as this topic was, Fernando always patiently and wisely found resolutions which reasonably handled these instances. His profound knowledge which was focused on Portuguese and Spanish areas (his sources were amazing) of course had few bounds, despite his modesty.

The only reason I mentioned this here was as a gentle reminder to everyone to kindly carry on these valuable discussions as if Fernando was still with us, and remember the guidelines he worked so hard to keep in place.

Thank you so much for the understanding response
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