Timor sword questions
This just came in, I havent cleaned it yet. This is the second sword from that region I have with an 18th century date stamped, the previous (not shown) also has a VOC mark.
This one has a mark that looks like it may be intended to be a running animal. The year is upside down relative to the mark and blade orientation on one side. The year and mark is framed with two x marks. A few initial questions.
1. Does anyone recognize the western blade? Not much to go off of since it has been shortened and modified. Could it really be 1748?
2. Does anyone recognize the line drawing, is it a running animal?
3. The scabbard has a thick rawhide sleeve on the lower half of scabbard that terminates with a tube (something tubular is inserted there under the rawhide). Has anyone seen this rawhide treatment before? Any reason to not try to steam and straighten the bend?