Originally Posted by francantolin
I wanted to show you to this large, somewhat special machete knife, extremely massive, almost 1 cm thick at the heel and weight of more than a kilo.
The end of the blade looks like a Bowie and is really sharp
the handle looks more like a halberd with a shortened shaft. A litle Chinese Pu Dao style ??.
the sheath has an original and interesting shape,
A whaler flensing knife ?
A colonial asian or african Riflemen machete ?
Just a butcher / knacker heavy knife ?
So, will you have an idea of the origin?
I will receive this soon
I'm going out on a limb and saying it's African. One of these bayonet inspired knives that appeared in the late 19th and early 20th century.
These appear both in West Africa and East Africa, especially in the German colonies in these regions.
Some are very strange looking beasts. they mimic bayonets and many times have gun like feathers, sling swivels or catches, screws and knobs on them.