Thread: Glasgow Hilt?
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Old 20th October 2024, 09:22 PM   #18
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Location: North Queensland, Australia
Posts: 187

G'day Rachelle,
Your sword would have been purchased by an individual officer, who would have been serving in a particular regiment at the time. Most swords only have generic blade decoration, but some are marked with the owner's initials, crest, motto etc. Some are marked to the regiment the owner served with and if you are really lucky, the sword is marked to both the owner and the regiment they served with. If marked to both you have the best chance of tracking down the owner. The coat of arms on your sword most probably belongs to the owner, but it is possible it has some other significance. To have any chance of identifying the owner you need to get better photos of it. We need to be able to determine what the particular elements of it are.
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