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Old 20th October 2024, 02:11 PM   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Singapore
Posts: 401

I think patience is needed. This is not a huge nor highly active forum and members come and go. Also, the knowlege is highly specialized so many members may not have anwers or even educated comments, they are here to learn. I often read and appreciate posts but have nothing to add. On some, I make a mental note to come back and add my example when I photograph it. I see posts with no response get picked up after a long time when another member finds it on a search. If keen to get a comment, bumping also works well. This forum format works at a different pace than most other social media that may have more immediate response and activity but provides little to no archival value nor captures comments across a long period of time. I hope frequent posters do not get discouraged by lack of immediate feedback. Too bad there isn't a "like" button so at least people can flag appreciation even if they don't have anything to say.
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