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Old 20th October 2024, 01:02 PM   #4
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Germany, Dortmund
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I've noticed that some people don't show patience when they post their items and show disappointment afterwards when their posts don't get comments.
I know this from myself, see for example here:
I've posted the shield in March and got until now not one single comment but over 2000 views, so it seems that there is some interest.
But why did it receive no comments? By my shield maybe because it's a rare item and most of the people never have seen such a shield before!?
But why don't get this nice sikin (so far I remember) no comments? Maybe because there was no question added and we have seen some others before? I only can advise to show a little bit of patience when new members post their items!
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