Thread: Glasgow Hilt?
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Old 1st October 2024, 03:29 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2024
Posts: 8

Thanks Jim. I really appreciate your insight. My grandfather's collection is quite eclectic in that there are not only swords, a few daggers, all European with exception of some more recent Japanese swords. He also was an avid collector of firearms both rifles and pistols. He was of German heritage and immigrated to Australia approximately 6 weeks before the borders closed and WW2 broke out at 16 years of age. I do believe a lot of his collection is German/Prussian, there is another basket hilt in the collection and what I believe is a shiavona (see below). I have searched for any records of his purchases that he may have kept, but it appears what I have found only relate to his firearms. My mum said she thinks he purchased a lot of his swords from a dealer in Sydney (majority of these would have been between 1950-1980) but can't recall the name. He also would visit Wallace (?) in England to research his next purchases whenever he travelled there.
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