Nice Moro Kampillan
Here is a very nice and I believe very old Moro kampillan...I think from at least the early 19th Century... or older. The blade is just over 28in./71cm. and is a rather standard kampillan design, showing a nice, narrow, and controlled temper line.
The whalebone hilt is probably the best example I have seen carved in that material. It measures 9.5in./24cm. in length. The detail is very well done showing considerable craftsmanship. The guard apparently came loose at some point and was reinforced with a rattan tie onto the grip. It looks to have been tied only on the upper portion of the guard. There are no shadows or lines indicating a similar tie to the lower portion. The patina has given the hilt a sort of "honey-colored" hue which I think is lovely.
The horsehair tuffs are restored.
I am just curious if anyone else notices a tiny face at the very end of the top of the hilt(see pic from the top of the hilt)? Maybe it's intentional, or maybe I am seeing things!