Sharing my recently published Moro Kris article. I'm linking here my Facebook-posted link, there's a Gdrive file includes the references list (the publisher didn't have space for footnotes / references section):
I felt a need to write the article to straighten out emerging misinformation regarding the Moro kris. Inputs from Moro elders, culture bearers, blade researchers, and historical data were integrated into the article.
As a disclaimer: some data may not be compatible or run directly contrary to previous data (particularly Cato's). Elders and culture-bearers alike have expressed "language misinterpretations" and "lack of context" in some of Cato's data, which I have attempted to straighten out in this article.
The article also presents new data on how to interpret Moro Kris blade engravings, which were previously thought of as "random scribblings" or "from a lost language." The languages, while archaic, are still accessible in modern time. The publication of this article was also motivated/requested by my Malaysian friends, who are keris culture-bearers/experts in their own right.
Have fun reading!