Hi xas,
Here is another Sulu kalis of roughly the same time period as yours. It sold at auction recently for a surprising high amount IMHO. It also shows shallow waves and edge hardening, with a tall gangya. The blade appears to be Maguindanao in manufacture, based on the arrangement of the secar kacang/gandhik and the horizontal jalen. The silver mounted hilt has a circular pommel with an interesting design engraved on its silver butte plate—two squares enclosing a pentagram.
It looks to me that this kris started out with one asang asang (two-piece construction) and had a second asang asang added later (no protrusion along the hilt visible and the engraving is different). I think it started life as a Maguindnao kris and at some point was redressed with a Sulu hilt and an extra asang asang was added.
Last edited by Ian; 9th September 2024 at 01:06 PM.