Originally Posted by Battara
I find it interesting that the inner core of the blade is very wavy whereas the edges are shallower and not matching as much.
I agree that this is probably earlier than mid-19c and the smith was a true master. Also, I noticed that the engraved lines going down both sides of the blade once had silver inlay.
Thanks for posting this Ray!
Thanks for the assessment! Sirs Jose and Ian, I think the shallower-than-usual form of the blade profile may likely be due to: 1) extensive sharpening; 2) owner's preference; 3) era- or area-specific signature.
It can also be a combination of those factors. I've seen at least 3 other Sulu kalis from the late 1800s-early 1900s era which also had shallow waves (and one of them was also twistcore). But admittedly, mine is the shallowest of them all