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Old 1st September 2024, 10:16 PM   #9
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Default Continued Use

Tim Simmons,

Slavery in the US didn’t completely end until 12/1865. Even after that, the socio-cultural and economic conditions remained largely unchanged. Blacks were free in name only and were for the most part faced with two choices. They could either work for their former masters for room and board plus almost non-existent wages or starve. It must also be understood that, throughout the country but most especially in the south, black individuals had virtually no protection from whites. If a white person wished to kill a black person for any reason, he or she was free to do so without fear of the slightest penalty. (The sport of coon hunting didn’t always mean going after small, furry animals.) Given the above realities, I would wager that the plantation canes were carried and used well after the civil war. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that they were still employed well into the 20th century,

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