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Old 28th August 2024, 02:28 PM   #24
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 79

I personally quite enjoy the idea of an "everyday carry" rapier hahaha. That's exactly how it feels. Comfortable, light, not excessively huge. I'd be curious to see what form a scabbard for this would take.

A few final thoughts on the chiseled hilt rapier. Balance is surprisingly quite nice. Balance is just forward of the grip. It appears there was another half shell that has since broken off, the fracture face has been covered in some sort of tin braze I think, hence the odd surface finish at that location. There was a sticker with collection number under the remaining guard. The schiavona pommel may not be strictly correct to the sword, but is actually really very nice.
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To my surprise, the marine saber may be my favorite. It feels very nice in the hand. Very good balance. Definitely a "knife work" ready sword. The blade also has a very nice false edge on the clipped point. Needs a good tooth brush cleaning and oiling to prevent red rust. The grip to my surprise isn't wood at all but is a cast (I'm assuming) grip. Maybe from a later saber or cutlass? It looks like the pommel cap which is a separate piece, fits it perfectly, so likely went with that grip. I'll see if I can find a match. All in all, I'm very happy. 10/10 would board Ottaman galley with this in hand.
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Schiavona is still nice but maybe the weakest of the four. I've never held anything "munitions grade" from this time period, but I imagine it feels just like the schiavona. Balance feels way too heavy for the size. The blade is almost certainly shortened. The thickness of the edge towards the tip is far to thick and doesn't match the edge thickness towards the grip. Blade still tapers in thickness from ricasso to tip but not enough to be comfortable. This one I will probably part with to further the collection.
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