Side sword with Victorian chiseled hilt?
Good morning everyone. After a surprisingly good morning at an estate sale, I've got a few meaty swords to dig into researching. For the price I paid for them, they could all be reproductions and I'd still be very pleased with the morning.
First up I've got what appears to be a early 1600's side sword with a chiseled hilt. I'm pretty dubious about these chiseled hilts as they all strike me as sort of Gothic-revival Victorian types of thing. On top of that the grip is pierced brass. Once again, not unheard of on legitimate period blades but also vaguely Victorian. I'm also a bit weary of the fit between the blade and hilt.
As for the blade, it seems legitimate to me. Cross marks at the ricasso match several Italian marks with a running(standing?) wolf inscribed in the fuller. Blade is roughly 38 inches give or take. I can't find an exact match for the mark just yet.
The last picture is a bit messy as it is sitting on a stack of other swords but you can still get an idea of the detail. The pommel is quite interesting, it almost has a Schiavona outline.
I'm very curious to hear y'all's thoughts!
Michael, 10thRoyal