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Old 18th August 2024, 11:48 PM   #26
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Which blade Gustav, the original Bali blade in post #1?

Actually, the meaning that Haryoguritno gives "gedhagen" (not gedheghan", this is a different word, not a variant spelling) is quite different to the meaning given by Basuki Yuwono and by my Solo informant.

Standard Javanese terminology for the Solo reflective pamor is "nginden".

In a Bali wosing wutah gedhegen we are talking about a wos wutah variation that has upright strips , uncontrolled and something like adeg in appearence, but not in construction.

However, if you mean that the pamor in the Bali blade in post #1 cannot have been created from a random pattern pamor with surface manipulation, this assumption is very wrong. The carving of a blade with unevenly distributed layers of pamor will of course create the effect we see in this blade, of a continuation of the same line of pamor across the top of the odo-odo, those layers of pamor run side to side and the layers do not maintain even thickness during forging.

Gustav, it is pretty much as I said to HughChen in my post #24, there are far too many variables to get accurate answers from a finished blade, especially so if we have not had the requisite training in pattern welding. We can guess, but even to guess & with the right training & experience it is not easy in all cases.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 19th August 2024 at 12:12 AM.
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