Gustav before I try to understand how to respond to your most recent post I need to know what you mean by "gedhegan work". The root is "gedheg", or "gedeg", or "gedek". In Bahasa Indonesia this is a panel of woven bambu, in Javanese it also means this, but it also means to shake your head when you disagree with something, and it means to collaborate. The meanings are of course contextual.
I have looked at Haryoguritno and he gives "gedhagen" a meaning that agrees with what JustYS has said some salesmen use to refer to "nginden" work. However, this is not a usage I have encountered in Solo.
So could you please confirm that by "gedhagen" you mean what I know as "nginden" and what I refer to in English as "chatoyant", that is that a basic but dense wos wutah pamor is indented or cut in a series of straight lines and then forged flat, the result being to create a series of lines in the pamor that are shadow-like?