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Old 18th August 2024, 04:47 PM   #21
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Just a few observations using one picture.

In the overall view picture of the blade I have marked 4 places, where we see, how the frequencies of segments (defined by gedhegan work or by twists, or by whatewer) are becoming wider towards the middle (and afterwards even more wider toward the tip, outside this picture).

This is not a picture we would expect to have of a Gedhegan work, which is done on a cold blade already forged out, and where the frequency between places, where surface is manupulated, is kept more even,- or would be even reversed - with bigger spacings on Sorsoran, becoming narrower up the blade.

On a blade made with a Pamor of twisted bar(s) we would normally have that, what is the case here - narrow frequency on Sorsoran, which becomes bigger and bigger up the blade - because the Pamor is forged out together with the hot blade. Of course an experienced smith, or let's say, smith, who cares about an "as eaven as possible" appearance of a twisted bar Pamor, works against this occurence - to have a pattern with more eaven frequencies.

I also don't see classic twist joint features on this blade, but there are at least two places in this one picture, where it comes quite close to these (marked by blue arrows in the cutout pictures; the pictures with blue marked areas show the borders between possible twists, in this case the narrow frequencies close the base of blade). As I have said, Odo-Odo can disturb the appearance of a twisted bar heavily, as does Sangling here and there - the thinness of Pamor layers in this case goes into a small part of a millimeter at some places.
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Last edited by Gustav; 18th August 2024 at 05:31 PM.
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