Origin and age of a dagger with pierced blade
Hello forum colleagues,
I recently purchased this nice knife-shaped dagger together with other pieces. Handle and mountings of the scabbard are made of silver but not hallmarked. The blade is pierced and devorated with brass, something we can see also by some Albacete daggers.
Now I'm not sure about the origin and age and was not able to find it out via Google, so I need your help. If I would have to say something, I would say Spain, 19th century, but I'm not sure about that at all.
I have seen very similar daggers in the past, but I'm not able to find such pieces in the internet again. I found daggers with some similarities, like Albacete daggers, daggers from the Canary Islands, italian Vendetta daggers or gaucho knifes, but they are all not the same like this piece.
What do you think?