Please Help ID Carved Horn Deities
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping for a little help in ID'ing these small carved horn deities(?) I purchased several months ago from a small auction. The auction mis-ID'ed them as carved resin wood monkeys, but I knew that was incorrect. I knew they were carved horn (what type, not sure) and not just monkeys.
After several months of internet research, I'm afraid to say I've drawn a blank of what these figures could be. I *think* they're some form of edge weapon handles and the figures are: 'Hanuman & Bhima' but I'm probably wrong? Can you all please help with the who, what, when and where of these objects? It'll be most appreciated!
The largest figure is approx: 4-1/2 x 2 x 1-1/2 inches.
Thank you all some much for your time and thoughts! Kind regards.