No problem Fernando. Why not just move the thread to MISC?

AFTER I wrote, I realized this would most certainly set off the alarms, but hoped the discussion despite my transgression might veer back on course.
As Ed noted, the TOPIC was 'first sword' which was more of a 'humanities' note and just happened that for Ed and I , in those post war years had more 'opportunity' to acquire old surplus items......and there werent many 17th Spanish cuphilts in war surplus stores.
The intent was not to open a discussion on the verboten 'Patton' swords, but to discuss early days of collecting...............there DO seem to be many collectors here

and the idea was MAYBE others might share their experiences.
Yeah, were getting old Fernando, but honestly, theres nothing like a good scolding now and then to keep ya young!!! Reminds me of my youth (about 70 years ago now).
Ed, BEAUTIFULLY said about Patton, who was indeed an old soul, born entirely in the wrong century. As you say, homage to the sword very much is carried into modern times as a mark of honor. Patton himself was born however in the previous century, but only the part of his life FIN DE SIECLE is would be appropriate.
The fact that he, and ultimately the sword he designed in accord with the ultimate homage to the European sword, both transcend the arbitrary mark, is indeed unfortunate.
Often there are threads posted in the wrong area in our forums, however in the ethnographic forum, where there is no chronological barrier, the subject thread is simply moved to European or whatever without issue. While there is a keris forum, there are countless examples of these posted in threads on ethnographic, and remain there instead of being moved.
No idea what the criteria is there.
It seems indeed this thread COULD have been moved with the simple note, more appropriate in other forum, without scoldings. ....but really, no drama?
Rules are rules, and I can well understand, indeed.
A bit more banter (if permissable), often my wife scolds me for some infraction I have committed......I often say.....the reason I do these things is so you dont think Im perfect!