Thread: My first sword
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Old 6th August 2024, 07:59 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
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What a great story Ed!!! I totally relate as my first weapons (c.1955) were surplus bayonets bought from bucket fulls in a surplus store at about a quarter apiece. But enthralled by Zorro on Disney a bit later, I longed for a 'sword'.
My first 'sword' was an old Moro keris I got when I helped a guy sand down an old model A frame for a hot rod he was building.

Attached is a M1913 'Patton' sword. Actually these are somewhat reduced in their number as in the WWII period, many were cut down into 'trench knives' but using the huge hilt, and cutting down the blade.

This anomaly you post is interesting as it seems to resemble the 1918 WWI trench knife' knuckle duster, as if a vestigial reference to the knuckles.
Ironically in was made by LF&C...the same outfit that made my M1913 (in 1919!)
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