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Old 2nd August 2024, 06:37 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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That would be tough to guess from a simple single photo with no detail, dimensions, markings on blade, description of the rather elaborately decorated hilt (are those jewels?), it seems gilt with blue enamel etc.

I'm guessing this is not your sword so not at hand, if so, are any details offered in its listing? Have you researched anything thus far which might be of help?

Rapiers, which this obviously is, were typically hilted by artisans who often created these hilts by commission for notable persons and following local and current fashion. While structurally the hilts followed the locally favored forms the client could of course specify any additional features, or of course decoration they wanted.

Though by this virtue, many rapiers might be of a certain style but with decoration and special features, essentially 'one off'. The blades were another matter, and might have little to do with the classification of the sword as far as regionally or often even period, other than being a 'rapier' blade.

While of course you already know all this, I just wanted to add my thoughts on identification of these swords for general readers.
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