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Old 2nd August 2024, 06:20 PM   #11
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Tordenskiold1721 View Post
Nice composite, with a 16th century barrel with late 17th century stock and mounts. Period composite or decorative composite made up of a mix of 16th century and 17th century parts ?
Most weapons were in effect 'composite' in these times whether swords or guns. Barrels were made by those who specialized in them, just as lock makers, stock makers, and they were assembled by artisans and armorers who were the final purveyors of these weapons.

Through their working lives, weapons were often refurbished as parts failed or to the preference of the owner. Obviously with guns, with the advent of the percussion system lock, flintlocks were replaced etc.

It is often surprising just how long the 'working lives' of weapons often were, and as seems to be the case, gun barrels or entirely assembled guns as these often were long held in armories or other until required. It would not be unusual for 'old guns' like this to be held in an armory for 100 years or more.
As noted in the original post however, this example was clearly assembled in modern times, with the barrel, which has indeed been shortened, being the most important element of the gun as it is presently.
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