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Old 31st July 2024, 08:59 AM   #6
Vikingsword Staff
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Alan, David, Sajen thanks for your replies. Much appreciated.

You have each confirmed my suspicion that the "arrow head" feature, as seen on the sword above, is a reasonable indicator of "Moro" origin, including Brunei and probably N. Borneo. Furthermore, it has no direct relationship to forms seen on keris, except for the grooves that run parallel to and on each side of the sogokan, and terminate rather vaguely further down the blade. I shall take the well demarcated structure of the "arrowhead" as an indication (when present) of Moro workmanship, until shown otherwise. However, the absence of an "arrowhead" does not exclude manufacture by a Moro craftsman, as we know of many examples (particularly in the 19th C and later) where Moro kris do not have this structure.

David, thank you for clarifying that demam hilts do not appear on Bali keris. My statement was based on previous discussion by Forum members in an earlier thread from 2011. Interestingly, if we turn that rare form of Moro pommel upright, it looks a bit like a precursor for the diminutive simple kakatua pommel ("beak but no "crest") seen on what I think are some of the earliest Moro kris.

Last edited by Ian; 31st July 2024 at 12:39 PM. Reason: Spelling
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