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Old 29th July 2024, 12:17 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Cambridge, UK
Posts: 12
Default Basket-hilted (cage-hilt) sword for discussion

A Basket-Hilted sword with a 'Cage-hilt'.

Probably English dragoon c.1740.

Hilt of iron cage work formed of a vertical and horizontal arrangement of entwined narrow bars joined at the top to an integral ring under a globular pommel, fore-guards, no wrist-guard, replacement ribbed wooden grip, and buff-leather liner faced in red silk.

An unusual hilt, the closest example I can find is in the National Army Museum (6408-77-8) and depicted in Leslie Southwick Price Guide to Antique Edged Weapons 1982 (389 p143). Southwick dates this hilt as circa 1740.

Slender profile tapering blade (84cm) with three narrow fullers along most of its length on both sides to the double-edged point, the forte on both sides indistinctly incised 'ANDREA FARARA' and 'SOLIDEO GLORIO' between small marks. At first sight this looks a broadsword blade but is in fact a backsword but with a very narrow spine.

The blade is very similar in style to several depicted in 'Culloden: The Sword and the Sorrows' 1996, (eg 1:13 p30) and described as German, 17th century type.

Comments welcome, particularly from those with much greater experience with basket-hilted swords than I have.

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