Thanks for posting this again BJ.
It seems that all the dialogue and research data since 2008 is literally all there is out there on this unusual mark. It is not recorded in any of the compendiums on markings, but the initials seem to correspond only to Freidrich Horster in business 1825-1875.
As has been shown this mark occurs on a Blucher type stirrup hilt which is a later form which actually remained in use until WWI.
While Horster remained in business until 1875, I would note that the WEST INDIA DOCKS CO. only remained under that designation until 1838. That would set the period for this cutlass 1825-1838?
The security force presumably using these numbered only 100 men, and as these are numbered, rack numbers suggest of course that as many as 100 of these existed (so far only this one with number 51 is known). Interesting that in 2008 you noted this was acquired with another perhaps dockyard cutlass which was unmarked.
I doubt that without reaching out to the museum in Solingen who has notable records of makers, or perhaps the National Maritime Museum there will be little luck in finding further response on this mark. We can always hope, but what we have so far is pretty compelling.
It is a wonderful example of a cutlass to a force of men little known historically who guarded the commerce in one of the most vital ports in England in these times. It is doubtful that many of these swords are still around from such a limited number, making this weapon all the more exciting!