Just off the top of my head i would say that you have a nice keris there.
To my eyes the painting looks old, as in pre-WWII. I don't see a lot of these older sunggingan sheaths around so i would personal consider the rarity of this a big plus. I would agree that late 19th-early 20th century is a likely mark.
I am afraid i can't name the creature that is represented on the sarong, but it it seems to possibly be of a mythological origin.
Can we see a shot from the top of the gonjo while the keris is in the sheath?
I have seen these hair-wrapped Tapukan hilts used on suginggan keris before. In fact i have one, probably from the same period. I agree that in most cases they are horse hair. As for the uwer, i don't see any reason why the "stones" would not be original. While real rubies do make their way into Balinese dress, using genuine precious and semi-precious stones is not nearly as important as the look. You can even find glass and paste "stones" on rather high end keris, right along with some precious stones. That the fitting are brass might be another reason the setting were never real ruby. I would think for thos settings gold or sliver would be the norm.