Perhaps this is the one you recall. It is a distinguished Brunei kris made in 1842, according to the present owner. If this is the one that you recall, there are some differences, most of which are related to the ricikin.
a. The presence of an "arrow head" on this example, created by two grooves running alongside the sogokan and almost meeting at the top. That feature is absent on the sword in the original post.
b. The presence of a well defined point where the first luk on the back of the blade starts is present on this sword and not the other.
c. Well defined, unworn, greneng on the ganja only. This contrasts with the original post.
d. A convex face of the gandik. The face is concave on the first one.
e. The height of the sogokan appears shorter than on the original example.
Furthermore, the overall blade seems to have less tapering in width down its length than the first sword, with the width of the first luk being similar to the width of the last luk. Also, the central "pamor" section of the second blade does not appear to have grooves or a central ridge.
Lastly, there are obvious differences in the dress of these two, which probably does not tell us very much other than the dress of the second one is definitely Brunei in origin.
Last edited by Ian; 15th July 2024 at 03:48 AM.
Reason: Added annotated graphic