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Old 8th July 2024, 03:56 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by werecow View Post
Thanks Iain. I was wondering whether these might double as agricultural tools but the fact that it has a (minimal) handguard of sorts threw me. I'll have a look at the forums for other forms of dha with similar decorative casting. Maybe the second from the top and bottom swords in this post of yours?

The fully cast handle ones are weapons. The long handle ones are both. You have to keep in mind that in this part of the world even today you don't go out in the hills without at least a large knife/machete. So some of these are true daily carry swords/tools. Regarding the fully cast hilt examples I'll PM you a couple articles as I don't want to spam the forum with my own links.

EDIT: Closeup from here

Also the swirling patterns look a lot like this post by Detlef in the first thread:

There are several varieties of casting patterns found on these. The cross hatched pattern seems, in my experience, to be a more recent style compared to the intricate swirls and whorls on some of the very old ones I have.

Interesting that you say the Montagnard dha swords are not associated with the Hmong. The seller mentioned that he lacked expertise on this region but that he had made the determination based on what he read on these forums. I think the Hmong association was specifically based on #3 in this post by Ian (and possibly corroborated by this post by Jim).
This is part of the problem of labelling a type with a label like montagnard which I quite dislike. Yes the Hmong use swords but as far as I'm aware they are not associated with this type. Rather I have seen Hmong with rather long knives/short swords with short handles with a slight downwards curve. Of course some may use other types, I can't claim an extensive knowledge of all Hmong groups in the region.

There are a multitude of groups in this area like the Bravo, Katu, Ta Oi etc. compounding the issue of attempting to label everything by tribe is that weapons were traded, including blades, castings might be acquired from a different village, town or craftsman as well. Because of this I prefer regional attributions.

Thanks Detlef! I feel like that guy's wrists move in ways that mine can't. If I try a moulinet with a roughly equally sized broomstick I end up hitting myself in the armpit (with the "grip" side, but still) so probably best not to try it with the actual sword lest I kill myself accidentally. Or worse, hit one of my swords! Probably doesn't help that I have maybe half a meter of space on each side of me.

You aren't alone I'm finding the long handles a bit awkward.😉
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