European Ethnographic Walking Stick?
Hi Tim Simmons,
I have one of these but it is cane length (33.5" [85.9cm]). I have frequently seen these at antique shows and have been told that they are some sort of Western European ethnographic walking stick that also serves as a weapon. One dealer said it is called a malela but the only thing I could find online close to that name is the Basque Makila (also spelled Makhila) and the Basque walking stick doesn't really look like your stick or my walking stick. My stick doesn't have a metal cap but there is what looks like a ghost of one so it may have fallen off. The ferrule on mine is brass with a rounded, not pointed end and mine also doesn't have a band like yours. I should also mention that I have another stick of the same leather washer over steel shaft construction with a horn handle, silver band, and a conventional two piece (steel & iron) ferrule. I always thought that it was made in India.
Last edited by RobT; 7th July 2024 at 03:56 PM.
Reason: clarification