Thank you Pendita.
That explains a lot, old Balinese terminology, & perhaps not quite as we know it now.
I've posted a pic that I've copied from "World of the Balinese Keris", this shows how the terms for keris characteristics in Bali had some variation from Javanese terms.
At the present time I don't know anybody who regularly uses these terms. I do know a few pandes & tukang wrongko in Bali, & in conversation they use Javanese terms, the same as I use. Maybe this is because we speak in Bahasa Indonesia, not Balinese. Between themselves they could well use these old Bali terms. I'll see if I can find that out.
As for blade restoration, from the pic it doesn't look like it needs cleaning, if it were mine, I'd polish it with wet & dry paper and up to 1200 grit, then I'd stain it.
Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 7th July 2024 at 01:25 PM.