Good morning from Amsterdam Mr. Maisey,
thank you for your reply, i will enclose a picture out of the book:
'De Inlandsche Kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indie"
written by J.E. Jasper and Mas Pirngadie part V from 1930 de bewerking van niet edele metalen (the processing of non - precious metals)
I have to check the wewer, and yes i could see it was not a real old one but they are often changed.
And may i ask you how you would clean this blade? Is it the same as when cleaning it from rust with household vinegar? Or the traditional way with cocoswater and lemon.
I will enclose a picture from Jasper and Pirngadie.
regards, Martin
Last edited by Pendita65; 7th July 2024 at 08:59 AM.
Reason: forgot something