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Old 5th July 2024, 04:40 AM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by OsobistGB View Post
The author in question is popular with you mainly for political reasons.Of course his book is good and I have nothing against the author. However, I believe that you do not consider that he is the only author and that this is the only book on the subject If someone decided to research the issue in detail, the two books published in English would not be enough
Here are several books dedicated to the topic. Some are comprehensive studies, others partially touch on the issue I recommend that you get them whenever possible.
Kirill Rivkin is indeed quite popular with me, but for his outstanding research and knowledge which he has always generously shared with myself and others in our queries in these topics. I have NO idea what you mean about politics, but understand there is a cultural and language gap here. I will say your English is much better than my Russian, which is nil.

Of course I believe in broad research sources, which is why I asked for the other books you mentioned, and thank you for sharing the titles and the illustrations of the books. While these are of course not only difficult to acquire here and of course to translate, my point was that certainly Kirill Rivkin has access to these and likely filtered much of the material into his work as applicable. I believe typically authors do share and corroborate data and ideas.

Obviously no single resource is entirely relied upon by any responsible researcher, and my endorsement on Mr. Rivkins book was to say it is a most valuable reference which has many details often not available to non Russian speakers.
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