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Old 1st July 2024, 10:37 PM   #13
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Originally Posted by kino View Post
More likely birdshot. I believe back then steel shot were not used, so if leadshot, would it have the velocity to damage hardened edge?
Steel shot has only been in use for a few decades, as environmentalists shuddered at the thought of lead being used on waterfowl, and accumukating in the muck beneath the waters.

I don't think a shotgun pellet, made of lead as it would have been in the day, would be able to punch through the blade in question.

There was a descussion a few years ago about a barong that had experienced a losing battle with a firearm. It was pointed out at the time that a lead bullet of military caliber (.38 at the time) would have destrroyed the sheath as well as not have made a clean hole through the barong. It was agreed that the weapon in question might well have been a Mauser model 1896, which fires a jacketed bullet of 7.63 mm.

(Discussed on pg 2 of this thread:

I have no idea of the measurement of Battara's damage site. I merely recouunt the tale of a somewhat similar wound.
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