Inscription Close-up
Dang! I never saw that. I don’t know for sure which way is up so I have provided two close-ups.
Bob A,
The world is getting smaller and smaller and savvy retailers in every corner of the globe are using market specific hooks to enhance sales so I would not discount Central Asians using an internationally recognized abbreviation to sell their items.
I would be disquieted by the large brass COO on a purportedly old item but this piece looks to be very recently made so I don’t find the designation (in English no less) to be out of place.
My images are light. The actual color of the hilt scales is exactly that of butterscotch amber.
As I said in my original post, the item is well wrought and every bit as lethal as a 19th century version. The maker deserves an A+ for his work and a gold star for carrying on the tradition.