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Old 24th June 2024, 03:52 PM   #23
Marcus den toom
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Thank you both for the contributions.
Thank you Cerjak for pointing out the rare wheellock gun as well!!
As to the dates, i am not sure why so many have been dated. Maybe the shooting guilds had an annual competition and these guns were the price (far fetched i am sure)?

The choice for a snap lock has, i think, also another reason. A conventional matchlock requires sufficient power to operate the mechanism. The target gun with hair trigger lacks that power, it is alot of energy put into speed rather than power. A snaplock serves best with it stored energy, ready to be released with a small squeeze of the trigger.

That lockplate you posted Raf seems to have been reused, but the internal workings have been (completly?) been remade. Is this yours?
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