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Old 23rd June 2024, 04:29 PM   #4
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Yuri,
Janus (Ianus) is a really odd god in Roman mythology. The god of the beginning and end; the god of passageways, gateways, doorways, and arches; the controller of who enters and leaves; the guardian of access to other gods; the determiner of victor and vanquished in war. Janus was the first god a Roman prayed to, because he provided an entrée to all the other gods.
Depiction of Janus was usually with two heads (Ianus Bifolios) or sometimes four heads (Ianus Quatrofolios). The heads were usually of the same individual, but of different ages (the young and the elderly, symbolizing the coming and going), or with different facial expressions. This can be seen in statuary, jewellery, and coinage.
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