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Old 22nd June 2024, 04:39 PM   #15
Norman McCormick
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Attached photo of a Silver Hilted Hanger C1775, a French Petits Montmorency C1778/82 (I.D Musee De L'armee), an M1845 French Infantry sword. The posters sword blade has a large fuller extending all the way to the tip and the smaller fuller terminating approx 2/3rds of the down from the hilt similar in all ways to the Silver Hilted Hanger shown. In the Petits Montmorency blade the large fuller is much wider and terminates before the tip, these features are also evident in another Montmorency blade I have. The M1845 has a small fuller which extends to the tip therefore if a cut down blade of this type was used the small fuller would also extend to the tip which it doesn't do on the posters blade. The 1845 blade is also actually relatively straight which to me doesn't equate with the mild curve on the posters blade.
I hope this shows a bit more clearly my thinking re the blade.
My Regards,
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Last edited by Norman McCormick; 22nd June 2024 at 04:52 PM.
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