Long barrel of square section ornamented with ribs and flutes towards the breech then round with widely spaced flutes the flared muzzle being octagonal. Wide Vee backsight. A nearly obliterated mark possibly that of Antwerp is stamped near the breech. Lock of similar type to that of No.XII.18 but with brass lockplate and match-holder. Pan-cover and scear missing.
Stock with butt of 'bellied' form; the projecting grip for the left hand is carved with an eight petalled flower. No ramrod is fitted, a false rod being simulated on the fore-end by carving. Indented steel trigger-guard. Double-lever hair-trigger
Barre lLength 1283 mm
Calibre .60 in
Place: Flanders, Antwerp
Date: about 1680
Location: Study Collection
Object number:XII.20
Provenance: Old Tower Collection