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Old 13th June 2024, 08:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Sakalord364 View Post
Thanks, I deliberately left out Persia because they produced blades on an almost industrial level there, it was a massive industry to I’m assuming they were able to weather hardship more efficiently?
Not really, Qajar era (19th c) persia made some pretty poor quality stuff as well. Most of it was shoddy "revival" (of older styles) -type stuff intended for parades and just general nationalism. A lot of the higher quality stuff was admittedly pretty good, but it was again stuff intended for elites and not fighting warriors per say. I'd guess on average the quality might be better than some indian or afghan items, but I'm no expert on persian arms so I really can't comment much on the quality of mid-level qajar era swords.
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